Course Content
Understanding Moog Mother-32 Functions
Will walks through the oscillator and filter section, as well as basic and advanced LFO techniques.
Keyboard and Sequencer
Will demonstrates how to create a sequence in keyboard mode, how to edit sequences in step mode, as well as creating sequences for live performances.
Patchbay and Mixer on the Moog Mother 32
Will walks through the patchbay, the mixer, the multiple and assigned output.
Working With External Gear
Will discusses how to use clocking and temp, as well as connecting and processing external gear.
Putting It All Together
Will demonstrates building a acid bass line and a pulsewidth modulated lead.
Intro to Moog Mother 32 (Included in Essential)
About Lesson

In this lesson, Will explains how to blend multiple LFO’s, how to use LFO’s separately, and other advanced techniques.

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