
Introduction to the Electric Bass

Categories: Bass
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In 20 lessons, Hill walks you through the proccess of choosing a bass, gives you the ability to play different rythms. Introduces scales and how to build chords using those notes.

This content is for Essential, Pro Path Premium, All-Access Membership Subscription, and Pro Path Basic members only.

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Course Content

Intro to the Bass
Hill walks you through the process of how to choose and start playing an electric bass.

  • Choosing A Bass To Own
  • Care, Feeding, Playing
  • Boom Chicks
  • Half and Whole Steps

Hill introduces a new rhythm element and scales.

Hill shows you how to use intervals to enhance the scales.

Chords and Arpeggios
Hill teaches you chords and triads and how to play them through an octave.

Reading and Playing Music
Hill prepares you to read music as well as hear changes in the music you are playing.

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