
Ableton Pro Path

  • Part A
  • Part B
  • Part C
  • Part D

Looking for Ableton Live 12? See course here

Throughout this course, I am going to introduce you to some fundamentals of playing piano, such as scales, intervals, and triads. I am also going to cover some more advanced topics, such as 7th chords, altered upper extensions and rootless voicings.

In this course, I am going to show you some underlaying rhythm theory, how to chop up and arrange loops, how to program your own drum beats from scratch, velocity and groove tools, and how to use these grooves in the context of your song.

In this course, we’re going to be covering the different technology that we use in recording sessions. We’re also going to cover the recording process and the different people and stages involved. We’ll talk about the recording engineer, the mix engineer, the mastering engineer and all their roles.

Part A Final

Create an edit or bootleg utilizing your skills from Part A

This section will include:

In this course, we’re going to take a look at some of the advanced techniques that you can implement when producing electronic music – like subtractive synthesis, FM synthesis, physical modeling techniques, as well as sampling techniques.

In the following course, we’re going to discuss synthesis and we’ll lay down a good foundation, starting with signal flow. From there, we’ll discuss the common parts of most synthesizers, including an osculator, a filter, the role of an amplitude envelope, and modulation sources such as LFOs.

In this course, we’re going to work with basic knowledge that we need as musicians. We’re going to establish the foundations of music theory and learn about rhythm and pitch notation, intervals, major scales, key signatures, triads and 7th chords, and basic harmonic progression.

“I’m here to help you to really kind of understand how the music business operates and why it is the way that it is, how to leverage your talents so you can really find your way through it. Ultimately, how to find sustainability in the industry and financial independence so that you can pursue all your dreams.”

Part B Final

Showcase a complete, original composition utilizing your skills from Part B

This section will include: